It is so easy to be sucked into talking about other people???s lives.
Are you also tempted to talk about others?
Sometimes it feels so good to give your inputs, especially if you have inside info about a certain person.
I am never good in having a conversation with people who loves to make negative comments about others.
You might ask why?
What do you think will be the guarantee, once I turn MY back, he or she will not talk about me?
You have to be wise when you???re choosing the people you talk with.
Telling something personal to people who are negative is just like publishing your story into a showbiz magazine.
These people have the unique urge to share their inside stories to others.
What do you think are the reasons why some people talk negatively about others?
Insecure people want to make other people feel insecure.
They feel bad and their self-worth is at the lowest especially when they see someone they know move ahead of them.
They cannot control their urge to talk about or give comments about others.
Insecure people want attention, they want to be the talk of the town and the topic of other people discussions. They will talk about how great they are and what they have accomplished in their lives, careers and goals.
Insecure people have the uncanny gift of making themselves feel important and making others feel down and lousy after you talk to them.
Because of their insecurities they do not like others to be better than them, they never like the feeling of losing. They would rather give lame excuses and find fault in others to justify their loss.
You have to be careful when you are around insecure people.
You many never know if they are a friend or foe.
Once they realize that you are a threat to them.
They will do anything in their power to control, manipulate or destroy others who stands in their path. They see you as a threat to their existence. So they will do anything to eliminate and exterminate their competition.
Next time, before you even talk about or give a comment about others.
Please check your heart and where you are coming from.
How Can We Avoid Becoming An Insecure Person?
Less talk. Less mistake.
Even if you have something to say but if you know it won’t build people up.
Just keep it to yourself.
You may never know what is the motive and agenda of the person asking for your comments or opinion about someone else.
You may say something that you might regret for the rest of your life.
You just need to be wise, they can easily manipulate your harmless comment and make it into a big issue.
As the saying goes, what goes around comes around.
Words you speak are just like boomerangs.
You may hit yourself once it comes back.
Saying negative comments about others does not only hurt others but can also hurt you.
Avoid getting into a conversation that may involve others and you are not a part of. It is possible to build a conversation without gossip in it.
Friend A: “Do you know that she was bragging about her newest boyfriend, she is so full of herself.”
Friend B: “Yah, you’re right.”
How would you feel if others are talking about you?
I am sure you won’t feel good if you learned that you are trending as their topic.
If it’s not our business, it’s none of our business.
Let us not getting into something that we are not a part of.
If you are not part of the solution, you are then part of the problem.
There are better things in life to do and talk about.
Let us use our God given resource, time and talent to do something that is constructive not destructive, productive not divisive.
It’s easy to become insecure when you constantly compare yourself to people who are more established and more successful than you.
You feel lesser of a human being because you feel that you can never be good enough. This is not also fair to you, since you are two different people.
You have your own strengths and they also have their own.
You can never compare apples with oranges.
You just have to be secure that God created you differently and uniquely, to fulfill a specific calling and destiny, which no one can accomplish except you.
You have to be secure that you were fearfully and wonderfully made by God your creator to establish great things in life. Stick to your strength, your core competence, your calling and you destiny. Do not be in a hurry and be patient for your time will come.
Are you tempted to talk negatively about others?
What are the circumstances that surround it?
Ask yourself why you feel jealous and insecure?
Chinkee Tan is a famous motivational speaker in the Philippines. He specializes in topics such as personal development, dealing with relationships within family, friends, work and other people and financial management techniques to name a few. He continues to inspire thousands of people through his books, free business seminars in the Philippines and being a motivational corporate speaker to different organizations.
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Chinkee Tan is a Wealth Coach, Keynote Speaker, and Best-selling Author on personal finance and wealth management. He has written 16 best-selling books and counting. His mission is to equip millions of Filipinos to be free from financial stress & experience financial freedom.