The more you are focus on fear, the more you become unproductive and powerless.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 timothy 1:7
Today is the day you make the decision to STOP living in FEAR and start trusting that God has already GIVEN YOU, POWER, LOVE & of SOUND MIND.
If you have extra ordinary problems or challenges, you need extra ordinary power to overcome them.
We need overcome any types of fear that you will encounter such as; fear of failure, rejection, unknown, future or what other people might say.
Perfect love cast out all fear because love conquers all.
We need sound mind to make the right choices and decisions in life.
Today, I encourage you to stop living in fear and choose to live in faith.
My prayer for you today:
Heavenly Father, I pray that you will grant us today the grace to overcome any types of doubt and fear that has been imprisoning us for years. Today, I choose to live in faith not in fear. I choose to trust in your word not in my situation. I choose to trust in the truth not in a lie. I choose to trust in your promise not in my feelings.
-Chinkee Tan, Filipino Motivational Speaker
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Chinkee Tan is a Wealth Coach, Keynote Speaker, and Best-selling Author on personal finance and wealth management. He has written 16 best-selling books and counting. His mission is to equip millions of Filipinos to be free from financial stress & experience financial freedom.