Happiness is an outcome of positive mental health. Actually they are complimentary to each other. Your ultimate goal from life should be to make yourself happy, to keep yourself happy. It’s very easy to feel sad or depressed if something goes wrong, but it’s easier to stay happy if you set your mind to it. Here are a few suggestions to help you keep yourself happy and making your life a better one.
Stay Active: Leaving out physical emergencies, one must not allow them to sit idle unnecessarily. If you don’t act, you won’t reach your goals, and when that doesn’t happens you feel dejected, not understanding that it’s an outcome of your own laziness. When work is done, the level of satisfaction and happiness is unprecedented. So act when you should and avoid delays whenever you can.
Find your strengths: Work up towards what your passion is, learn what you are good at and strive to be the best in it. Be it cooking or sports or writing, know what you are good at and work hard towards getting better at it each day. You would feel the happiness when you see the success coming towards you, even if gradual it amounts to something, isn’t it?
Know your Purpose: Each day when you wake up and ask yourself, ‘what’s my purpose in life’ and if you do not get the required answer, it means you need to sit with yourself and think about it. Ponder over it and identify what do you need form life, whatever you decide, make sure your end goal is deriving happiness from it. Here I am not talking about people who derive happiness from killing others. I am talking about a good healthy positive life that is centered towards making oneself a good person and someone who can make the society a better place to live in. Once you find your purpose, and take definitive steps towards it, I am sure you’ll find the happiness eventually.
Read motivational blogs: There are times when I feel very de-motivated and stuck in my life. I try everything possible that can lift my spirits and make myself feel better again but when nothing works, I prefer to read motivational blogs and articles. Trust me, that help. A number of inspiring blogs are up on internet and quite a few of them touch your nerve and you instantly feel better. Chinkeetan.com is one such website for Mr. Chinkee Tan, who is a Life Coach and delivers his motivation speeches and has written a number of articles and books on how to lead a happy life, how to be successful and how to multiply your wealth even within the limited means. I recommend that blog as it helps immensely and make you feel a lot better after reading the articles.
Stop complaining: Be grateful for what you have. I am not saying that stop making efforts to grow, what I mean is, instead of complaining about a particular situation, try to act and find a solution to it. Feeling sad about something isn’t going to help but finding an answer to your problem will surely make you a happy person in the long run.

Chinkee Tan is a Wealth Coach, Keynote Speaker, and Best-selling Author on personal finance and wealth management. He has written 16 best-selling books and counting. His mission is to equip millions of Filipinos to be free from financial stress & experience financial freedom.